How to Incorporate Deceased loved ones into your wedding
Weddings are a time of celebration – a way to bring together all of the important people in your life to celebrate your love. However, for most couples, there are always a few important people who aren’t there – loved ones who have passed prior to the wedding. There are many ways to incorporate deceased loved ones into your wedding. Below are just a few suggestions:
- Empty seats – One of the more unique ways to honor loved ones is to reserve a seat in their honor. Not only is it a visual reminder for the couple, but it also encourages guests to take a moment (while finding their seats) to remember those who could not make it to the wedding.

- Candles – Leaving a candle burning in their honor is another great way to symbolize a loved one’s passing. It is a simple, yet elegant, addition to any table scape or entrance. It can also be used in conjunction with reserving a seat (as seen below).

- Photos/pendants – If you are looking for a simple way to honor those who have passed, add a photo to a guest table or wear a photo (in a pendant, pin, or flower accessory). Keeping them close on your Big Day.

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