Believe me when I say that you are not alone. You are not the first one to “not know what they are doing” when it comes to your engagement session. The first time most people have professional photos taken is when they are getting married. So, don’t feel like you have to know what you are doing and just try to relax.
Photographers come in many forms, I can’t describe them all but the tend to fall in 3 categories. You have the traditional photographer, they tend to focus on facing you at the camera and position you like a mannequin. Traditional photos have their place, but I don’t believe that it is during an engagement session (Well, we might take one or two for Grandma).
The next is High Fashion, Its beautiful, yes. However it comes with a high price tag and tends to be more involved. Extra crew, extra lighting and extra time. This is great if you have the extra money to spend and are very comfortable in front of the camera.
Now we get to what I like to do and that is Unscripted posing. With this style although it is called unscripted it is not undirected. That is to say the emotions I get out of you are a result of the direction I give. It looks something like this:

I love this method because it brings the best reactions out of people, it makes the light up and relax. These are just a few photos I’ve taken using this method. If you want to see more poses I would suggest downloading UNSCRIPTED – Posing Guide from the App Store. There are still many poses in there that I would love to try with an adventurous couple. If you’re that couple than feel free to contact me today to set something up!