Stop time. That’s what most brides and grooms wish they could do on their wedding day. The big event – the one you have been planning for months – is over in a matter of minutes (after all, the average ceremony lasts approximately fifteen to thirty minutes). Due to the high amount of excitement and emotions, it’s easy to get lost in the blur of the day….to remember glimpses of the ceremony, reception, and guests, but forget some of the more profound. If there was only one moment you could suspend in time, what would it be? I would argue that the walk down the aisle – a glowing bride, a proud father, and an emotional groom waiting at the end – that would be the moment. The anticipation, the relief, the culmination of everything planned for…..
That’s why as a wedding photographer, I always prioritize capturing this moment – in particular the groom’s reaction. To stop time.

Want to suspend time with me? Contact me to set up your free consultation!